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10 Best Supplements To Prevent Dementia

Best Supplements for To Prevent Dementia

Read a comprehensive guide on best supplements to prevent dementia!

Maintaining optimum brain health entails a variety of self-care practices, such as following a balanced diet and lifestyle, managing stress, and socializing regularly. Supplementing one’s diet can assist enhance brain health, but how can customers know which supplements to prevent dementia are worthwhile?

Several nutritional supplements and vitamins are regarded a vital elements of a brain-healthy diet, according to medical professionals.

Dementia, often known as the primary neurocognitive condition (including Alzheimer’s), is an increasing lifelong issue. No recognized remedy exists. FDA approves several medicines, including acetylcholinesterase inhibitors (e.g. donepezil, rivastigmine, galantamine) and N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor antagonists but the problem is, they are of limited efficacy, bad effects, and expense to the research of therapeutic approaches to enhance cognition.

Best Supplements for To Prevent Dementia

The following are the top ten supplements to prevent dementia and improve brain function.

  • Bacopa Monnieri Capsules
  • Ginkgo Biloba
  • Omega 3 Burpless Fish Oil
  • Huperzine A
  • Resveratrol
  • Phosphatidylserine
  • Rhodiola Rosea Extract
  • Fractionated Coconut Oil
  • Super B Complex Vitamins
  • S-Adenosyl Methionine

Bacopa Monnieri Capsules

Best Supplements for To Prevent Dementia

India uses Bacopa in ayurvedic medicines for a long. Bacopa supports therapy for thyroid, anxiety, and memory problems. Andri, Bacopa monnieri, herb of grace, herpestis herb, Herpestis monniera, Indian pennywort, and water hyssop are all names for Bacopa. However, some researchers have looked into the health benefits of bacopa. The study has centered on the treatment and/or prevention of a variety of health issues including dementia.


  • Bacopa may have antioxidant effects.
  • Lowers oxidative stress and may protect the brain from the signs of Alzheimer’s and dementia
  • Saponin components found in the plant, such as bacosides and bacosides, may improve communication between brain chemicals involved in cognition, learning, and memory, as well as reduce inflammation in the brain.
  • Bacopa may aid memory preservation and cognitive performance.
  • Bacopa has the potential to boost cognition.
  • During free-recall testing, herb extract can improve memory.
  • Six weeks of bacopa two days (300 mg/day intake) results in enhanced cognitive function.
  • The capsules or tablets of bacopa are available. You can directly order the supplement from amazon.


  • On the other hand, Pregnant and nursing women cannot take the supplement
  • Children under the age of 18 are prohibited to use Bacopa Monnieri
  • People with severe medical conditions should consult a health professional before use
  • It can reduce fertility
  • It can interfere with medicines, especially neurotransmitter medications.

Usage & Dosage

There is very little scientific evidence to decide a suitable dosage range for the supplement. Doses are usually determined by several criteria, including your present health, age, and gender.

Consult your health care practitioner always to find out if Bacopa is safe for you and what dose is right for you. You can take the capsules twice a day for better results.

Ginkgo Biloba

Best Supplements for To Prevent Dementia

The most prevalent kind of dementia among millions of older individuals is Alzheimer’s disease, which affects brain function and quality of life. Finding a substance that might help this population’s brain function would be a significant, life-changing breakthrough.

Traditional Chinese medicine use Gingko Biloba tee leaves to treat brain, heart, and lung problems for millennia. Its teas and tinctures are the most often used in Eastern medicine, but they may also be used as a plant supplement. Ginkgo biloba is on the hit list of one of the best supplements to prevent dementia.


  • Increases the flow of blood to the brain and the function of the mitochondria
  • Treats brain, heart, and lung problems
  • Its benefits are uncertain and inconsistent.
  • In the same way when taken correctly by healthy people, ginkgo Biloba is typically harmless.


  • It may help people with dementia remember things better, but the data is conflicting.
  • It is usually harmless, however, it does offer certain health concerns to some groups.
  • The supplement may not be safe for people who are on blood pressure medicine as Biloba dilates blood vessels
  • It might also be harmful to youngsters, diabetics, and women who are attempting to conceive.

Usage & Dosage

For most persons with 120-240 mg oral dosages per day, standard Ginkgo Biloba Extracts are typically safe.

Omega 3 Burpless Fish Oil

Best Supplements for To Prevent Dementia

Another important one of the best supplements to reduce the risk of dementia is fish oil. It is a common dietary supplement. One can get it from fatty fish such as sardines, anchovies, mackerel, and salmon.

Fish oil comprises principally two forms of omega-3 fatty acids — eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and DHA. They are effective for their heart health and their health advantages. The fats are mostly fatty acids. Fish oil, in particular concerning minor memory loss and melancholy, has a remarkable effect on the brain too.

This article covers studies on the possible effects on the brain and mental health of omega 3 fatty acids in fish oil.

EPA and DHA are present in fatty fish and fish oil virtually exclusively in human diets. Since many individuals do not eat the quantity of fish advised, many people probably lack sufficient diets for EPA and DHA.

Another omega-3 called alpha-linolenic acid can produce EPA and DHA (ALA). However, people cannot very effectively convert ALA to EPA and DHA.
As a result, consuming fish oil may be a smart choice, particularly for people who don’t consume a lot of fish but still want to get the advantages of omega-3 fatty acids.

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How does The Supplement Affect Brain?

The EPA and DHA omega-3 fatty acids are important to optimal brain function and growth throughout life. These fatty acids are also important over the whole life to maintain the best brain function. They abound in brain cell membranes, maintain the health of the membrane and facilitate communication among brain cells.

Obviously, it is vital to make sure that you are provided with sufficient omega 3 fatty acids to protect your brain from some of the damaging effects of dementia.


  • In memory difficulties, including Alzheimer’s’ or other cognitive impairments, fish oil can help increase the function of the brain.
  • People with milder forms of dementia, such as moderate cognitive impairment (MCI) or age-related cognitive loss, may benefit from taking fish oil supplements.
  • Supplements of fish oil can be most helpful if patients start taking them at the early phases of the loss in brain function. Fish oil may not be as beneficial to the brain if you wait too long.
  • Fish oil supplements at doses are safe.
  • Supplements of fish oil reduced depressed symptoms with results equivalent to antidepressant drugs in persons with depression.


  • Fish oil omega-3s do not seem to boost brain function in healthy persons without any issues in their memory.
  • Before starting fish oil supplements, you should consult your physician.
  • This is especially essential if you take blood-thinning medication or have a forthcoming operation because of its possible impact on your blood clotting

Usage & Dosage

It’s a good idea to start with 1,000–2,000 mg of omega-3 fatty acids per day from fish oil. Do not take more than 3,000 mg per day.

Huperzine A

Best Supplements for To Prevent Dementia

Huperzine A is a compound obtained from the Chinese club moss plant (Huperzia Serrata). It is a dietary supplement that proves to be a therapy for Dementia. Huperzine A is one of the best supplements to prevent dementia.

Huperzine A is a cholinesterase inhibitor in alternative medicines, a type of medication that prevents acetylcholine from disintegration (a chemical essential to learning and memory).


  • Huperzine A improves learning and memory and guard against age-related cognitive decline in addition to treating Alzheimer’s disease.
  • Huperzine A is a supplement that can help you feel more energized, alert, and combat depression.
  • It assists in the treatment of myasthenia gravis, a muscle-wasting autoimmune disease.


  • It may interact with some medicines, including inhibitors of cholinesterase, beta-blockers, and antimicrobials.
  • The usage of huperzine A might be damaging for those with specific illnesses, including kidney and/or liver problems, heart disease, asthma, epilepsy, and vertigo.
  • It can have side effects including nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, dry mouth, constipation, sweating, boring vision, slurry speech, fainting, restlessness, lack of appetite, contractions, and twisting of muscle fibers, cramping, increased saliva, and urine.
  • The safety of huperzine A, in the long run, is hardly understood.

Usage & Dosage

Huperzine A comes in pills and capsules and is present as memory enhancers in many combo supplements. 
The recommended dosages for the best results of the supplement are:
300 to 500 micrograms each day for Alzheimer’s disease
100 mcg twice daily for dementia
100 mcg twice daily as a enhancing memory


Best Supplements for To Prevent Dementia

Resveratrol is an antioxidant present in red wine and foods including grapes, berries, chocolate, and peanuts in very small amounts. It’s also available as a supplement in a concentrated form. Sirtuins, proteins implicated in aging, may be activated by resveratrol.


  • Resveratrol may help to prevent dementia and postpone age-related cognitive deterioration.
  • For overweight individuals, it can enhance memory
  • Treating cardiometabolism that may raise the risk of cognitive decline for the long-term.
  • It may provide some advantages to diabetics.
  • A high dose of rsveratrol improves the capacity to accomplish daily tasks for dementia patients
  • Healthy adults have shown minimal advantages from resveratrol in clinical studies. It quickly digests and gets removed from the body, which might be a contributing factor.


  • The effects of resveratrol on the brain are known but there are mixed signs of both benefit and harm.
  • The development of beta-amyloid plaques reduces in resveratrol-treated patients, but the loss of brain volume increases
  • It may result in degenration
  • At doses above 1 g per day, it can cause diarrhea or gastrointestinal discomfort
  • Blood thinners, anti-inflammatory medications, and anti-hypertensive drugs may interact with resveratrol in potentially hazardous ways.

Usage & Dosage

A strong dose of resveratrol would be required to achieve any potential benefit, although long-term usage of such high levels has not been investigated. The supplement recommends daily dosages ranging from 20 mg to 2 g, with gastrointestinal side effects becoming more prevalent above 1 g per day.


Best Supplements for To Prevent Dementia

Phosphatidylserine is a molecule that plays a vital role in numerous bodily activities, particularly in the brain. It takes part in the list of one of the best supplements to prevent dementia. Most meals include trace quantities. Phosphatidylserine is a component of the body’s cell structure.

Although the body can produce phosphatidylserine, the majority of what it requires comes from diet. You can use it as a nutritional supplement. The supplement is not only made of cow brain but also typically manufactured out of cabbage or soy now.

This chemical absorbs through the gastrointestinal system and crosses the blood-brain barrier, where it is present in high concentration and is implicated in the construction and function of neuronal cell membranes.

Normal aging includes a decline in memory and cognitive abilities. Phosphatidylserine is used to treat Alzheimer’s disease and age-related memory and cognitive loss.

Phosphatidylserine may increase the amount of acetylcholine in the body. Acetylcholinesterase inhibitors not only treat Alzheimer’s disease but also boost the neurotransmitter acetylcholine. Taking phosphatidylserine with Alzheimer’s disease medicines may enhance the effects and adverse effects of Alzheimer’s disease treatments.


  • Phosphatidylserine appears to increase attention, language skills, and memory in elderly persons with diminishing thinking abilities.
  • When taken for up to three months, phosphatidylserine may be considered safe.
  • Phosphatidylserine is potentially safe in children from 4 to 18 years.


  • It’s possible that it’ll lose its effectiveness over time.
  • Side effects of phosphatidylserine include drowsiness and stomach discomfort, especially at dosages more than 300 mg.
  • There are certain concerns that animal products might spread illnesses, for example mad cow disease.
  • Even so, Phosphatidylserine is not safe to use when pregnant or breast feeding.

Usage & Dosage

The standard dosage is 100 mg three times a day. Adults take phosphatidylserine in dosages of 200-400 mg per day by oral for 1-3 months. To find out what dose is appropriate for a certain illness, speak with a healthcare practitioner.

Rhodiola Rosea Extract

Best Supplements for To Prevent Dementia

Memory problems are becoming increasingly common as a person ages. The gradual loss of memory has a significant negative impact on the quality of life of individuals suffering from this. There are now no medicines available to prevent age-related cognitive deterioration.

Rhodiola Rosea is a perennial plant that might help you perform better and feel less tired. Insomnia, tiredness, and worry are some of the symptoms that dementia sufferers encounter. Rhodiola may assist with it. As a result, it is counted as one of the best supplements to prevent dementia.


  • Rhodiola boosts energy levels and regulate how the body reacts to stress, both of which can have an impact on brain health.
  • It is an antioxidant that can help you stay healthy.
  • Rhodiola may help fight symptoms such as sleeplessness, tiredness and anxiety experienced by individuals with dementia.
  • It is usually harmless for adults
  • It is available in both forms (liquid and capsules).


  • On the other hand, Rhodiola is toxic to isolated neurons
  • Rare side effects such as headache, mild dizziness, dry mouth, sleepiness, insomnia, hyperactivity, jitteriness, agitation, and diarrhea can be seen is some cases.

Usage & Dosage

You can have 50 to 1500 mg/day of Rhodiola with no side effects. Used dosages suggested to be safe are most commonly between 200 and 600 mg/day.

Fractionated Coconut Oil

Best Supplements for To Prevent Dementia
Best Supplements for To Prevent Dementia

Due to cheap costs, accessibility, popularity, and certainty, the use of dietary treatments to prevent or cure dementia are highly encouraging.

Coconut oil can be an inexpensive and natural dementia therapy. The reason for this is that coconut oil includes medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs) metabolized in the liver into ketones. Ketones are generated regularly in the body during energy conversion, which is necessary to avoid neuronal degeneration.

Glucose is the normal major energy source for the brain. Neurons no longer metabolize glucose in Alzheimer’s disease because they acquire an insulin resistance condition. So, this leads them to lose their function and ultimately perish.

What is the significance of glucose metabolism in dementia?

People with dementia suffer from an inadequate supply of glucose in brain neurons according to this idea. In the absence of sufficient glucose, an alternate energy source is necessary to avoid neuronal degeneration. The effective supplements to prevent dementia also have coconut oil as a major participant.
Therefore, researchers have proposed that a diet made up of very little carbohydrate/sugar and extremely high levels of coconut oil fat might boost the utilization of ketones as energy for the brain rather than glucose.


  • Coconut is high in cytokinins and plant phenols, which assist to prevent beta-amyloid accumulation in the brain.
  • Coconut oil inhibits obesity, dyslipidemia, insulin resistance and elevated blood pressure. All of these factors contribute to the development of dementia.
  • The patients who took cocoa oil were seen to considerably enhance their orientation and language abilities in specific cognitive areas.
  • It may act as an energy fuel for brain


  • Only ApoE-negative patients can to benefit from coconut oil’s favourable metabolic effects in the prevention of dementia.
  • The improving blood HDL cholesterol parameters of the virgin coconut oil include unmodified overall cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, and triglyceride.
  • Very high quantities of coconut oil might have additional unknown health consequences.

Usage & Dosage

For better results, you have to use it for at least 21 days. Intake of 40ml of coconut oil per day is good for preventing and treating dementia.

Super B Complex Vitamins

Best Supplements for To Prevent Dementia

Deficiency of Vitamin B-12 – most commonly encountered in elderly individuals and vegetarians — may lead to numerous symptoms, for instance, memory loss. In those with normal cognition, vitamins B12 and B9 may have a cognitive-enhancing impact.

Cognitive impairment can result from cyanocobalamin (vitamin B12) and folate (vitamin B9) deficiencies. As a result, assessing vitamin levels in anybody who comes with cognitive impairment is a normal procedure. Low levels of vitamin B12, as measured by methylmalonate and homocysteine, links to memory problems, as well as decrease perceptual quickness and brain volume. Your risk of Alzheimer’s disease is closely related to the level of your harmful amino acid homocysteine determined by a blood home test kit. Super B complex is also among the best supplements to prevent dementia.

The lower its level, the lesser your risks of severe memory impairment. Homocysteine is neurotoxic that can directly damage the medial temporal lobe that is the fastly degenerating region of the brain in AD. With cheap vitamin B, homocysteine is readily reduced.

Vitamin B-12 is present in animal-based foods such as fish, pork, and poultry. Vitamin B-12 is supplemented by several breakfast kinds of cereal.


  • Vitamin B-12 not only supports the preservation of healthy nerve cells but also red blood cells.
  • Supplements of vitamin B-12 can assist memory improvement.
  • It contains a variety of Vitamin B variants
  • In those with normal cognition, vitamins B12 and B9 may help them think more clearly.


  • Consult your doctor, especially if you are an older adult or vegetarian.
  • Folic acid supplementation may raise the risk of colon cancer in older adults, particularly in those with poor B12 status
  •  It can show adverse effects such as induction of mania and burning sensations

Usage & Dosage

The supplement contains 150 tablets. So you can have one tablet a day. Moreover, consult your doctor before use.

S-Adenosyl Methionine

Best Supplements for To Prevent Dementia

S-adenosylmethionine (SAM or SAMe) is a naturally occurring chemical in the body. S-adenosylhomocysteine (SAH) is formed when SAM donates a carbon and is considered to be a biomarker for various illnesses. In the same way, by giving a carbon atom to other molecules including DNA, lipids, and proteins, it participates in a variety of biological processes.SAM and SAH levels in Alzheimer’s patients are abnormal.


  • The supplement is safe with no adverse side effects.
  • The supplement decreases the risk of dementia.
  • It prevents dementia but if someone gets it, SAH treats and reduces the symptoms of dementia as well.
  • In individuals with Alzheimer’s disease, SAM can enter the brain and can enhance cognition and mood.


  • People with Bipolar disorder should avoid using it.
  • There can be rare mild side effects such as headache, dizziness, anxiety, gastrointestinal problems, and insomnia.
  • You should avoid using SAH with levodopa (Parkinson’s medication), MAO inhibitors (antidepressants), narcotic medications such as meperidine and dextromethorphan (present in many cough medicines).
  • SAM may also raise its serotonin levels so that medicinal products which impact the serotonin system should not be used with SAM (such as many antidepressants or other medicines like tramadol).

Usage & Dosage

It is present in tablet form. Enteric-coated products feature a barrier coating that prevents SAM from being destroyed in the stomach and instead of releasing it into the small intestine for improved absorption. You can take 1200mg of SAH daily but having the advice of a professional before use is better.

Take Away

Some of these supplements to prevent dementia have been shown best to prevent dementia. These are even effective in enhancing and safeguarding brain health. However, many brain-boosting supplements to prevent dementia are only helpful in those who have a mental illness or are low in the vitamin being supplemented. In short, using these supplements may or may not help you in the long run.

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