
Which Foods & Supplements Cause Constipation?

Which Supplements Cause Constipation?

Are you facing constipation? Read this full guide on “which foods & supplements cause constipation?”

Constipation is a frequent intestinal problem. Approximately 16% of Americans and 1/3 of over 60 are complaining of persistent constipation. More than 700,000 emergency visits were made by constipation between 2006 and 2011. To know which foods and supplements cause constipation, stick to the article.

What Is Constipation?

Constipation is less than three bowel movements a week. The frequency with which you “go” varies greatly from person to person. Some people have bowel motions many times each day, while others just once or twice per week. It’ll be distinct and normal for you – whatever your bowel movement pattern is – as long as you do not go too far.

Symptoms of Constipation

  • Less than three bowels a week
  • Small, firm, dry stools that are hard or hard to get through
  • The urge to over-stress to move the bowel
  • You’re experiencing stomach pains or cramps.
  • You’re bloated and sick to your stomach.
  • After a bowel movement, you have the feeling that you haven’t entirely emptied your bowels.

How does Constipation Happen?

Constipation occurs when your colon collects too much wastewater (stool/poop), which dries the stubble away and makes it difficult to get it out of the body.

In order to provide some support, nutrients are absorbed while food typically passes through the digestive system. The remaining partly digested food (waste) travels from the gut into the big gut, commonly known as the colon.

This waste is absorbed by the colon, which forms a solid substance called stool. Food might travel too slowly through the digestive tract if you have constipation. This allows the colon to absorb water from the waste more time – too much. The stool gets dry, tough, and hard to push.

Consequences Of Constipation

If you don’t have soft, ordinary bowel motions, there might be some difficulties. Some of the complications of constipation are:

  • The effort to move your bowels might cause damage to your pelvic floor muscles. These muscles control your bladder. Too much stress might cause the bladder to leak pee for too long (a condition called stress urinary incontinence).
  • Infection in pouches that develop on the colon wall when feces becomes stuck and contaminated (a condition called diverticulitis).
  • Veins in your rectum swell and irritated (a condition called hemorrhoids).
  • An overabundance of stool/poop in the rectum and anus (a condition called fecal impaction).
  • Breaks in the wall of your anus due to the passage of solid stool (called anal fissures).

Constipation Causing Foods and Supplements

A single meal does not directly induce constipation among most healthy persons. Some diets can, nevertheless, help to make it. A variety of factors causes constipation. A low-fibre diet, frequently ignoring the desire to go, not drinking enough water, or a lack of exercise are all apparent causes. People who suffer from chronic constipation may notice that certain meals affect their symptoms.

However, there are other, lesser-known reasons for constipation, such as some foods and supplements, as well as potentially dangerous medical problems.

What’s bothering your intestines? Here are some of the supplements and food items that can be a cause of constipation that you might not have considered.

Foods Containing Gluten

Gluten is a protein present in wheat, barley, rye, and triticale, among other cereals. When eating gluten-containing meals, some people may develop constipation. Gluten intolerance affects certain people. Gluten intolerance, often known as celiac disease, is a disorder that affects many people.

When someone with coeliac disease eats gluten, their immune system destroys their intestines and seriously damages them. As a result, those who have this condition must eat a gluten-free diet.

Celiac disease affects about 0.5–1% of the population in most countries, yet many individuals are unaware of it. One of the most prevalent symptoms is chronic constipation. Gluten prevention can help ease the stomach and cure it.

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and non-celiac gluten sensitivity (NCGS) are two other conditions in which a person’s stomach reacts to wheat. These people don’t seem to be gluten intolerant, but they do seem to be sensitive to wheat and other grains.

If you believe gluten is the source of your constipation, consult your doctor to rule out celiac disease before eliminating gluten from your diet.

This is critical since the celiac disease test requires gluten in your diet to function correctly. If the celiac disease has been ruled out, you might wish to try ingesting varying amounts of gluten to see how it affects you.


Which Supplements Cause Constipation?
which foods & supplements cause constipation?

Persimmons are a popular east Asian fruit that some individuals find constipating. There are several variants, but most may be classified as sweet or astringent. Astringent persons, in particular, include a significant number of tannins, an assembly designed to decrease intestinal secretions and contractions and delay bowel movements.

This is why constipation persons should avoid ingesting too many individuals, particularly astringent types

Red Meat

Which Supplements Cause Constipation?
which foods & supplements cause constipation?

For three primary reasons, red meat may aggravate constipation. To begin with, it has very little fibre, which adds weight to stools and aids in their movement.

Second, by replacing higher-fibre alternatives in the diet, red meat may indirectly lower a person’s overall daily fibre consumption.

This is especially true if you eat a lot of meat at a meal, limiting the amount of fibre-rich vegetables, legumes, and whole grains you may consume in one sitting. As a result of this situation, daily fibre intake would be reduced, thereby raising the risk of constipation.

Moreover, red meat typically includes larger levels of fat, unlike other kinds of meat, such as chicken or fish. And high-fat meals require longer digestion for the body. This may raise the chances of constipation even more in some situations.

Constipated people may benefit from substituting red meat with protein and fibre-rich products such as beans, lentils and peas in their diets.


Which Supplements Cause Constipation?
which foods & supplements cause constipation?

When it comes to food constipation for avoidance, Bananas are a dilemma. It is time-scale: unripe bananas may induce constipation; ripe bananas may assist to alleviate constipation.

The constipation of unripe or underripe green bananas is due to a large amount of starch that the body can hardly process.

Bananas also include dietary fibre, which pulls water from the gut to the stomach. When someone has dehydrated already, this can exacerbate constipation. If a baby eats too many bananas, he or she may get constipated. The important thing for your tiny one is moderation and a range of fruits and veggies.


Which Supplements Cause Constipation?

Calcium supplements are next on the list of which supplements cause constipation. While certain vitamins and minerals might assist with constipation, others can actually cause it or worsen it.

Calcium is the most plentiful mineral in the body, and it is essential for bone growth and strength when combined with vitamin D, according to the National Institutes of Health. Adults should consume 1,000 to 1,200 mg of calcium per day, with women’s calcium intake being especially essential in the fight against osteoporosis.

Calcium, protein, fat, and potassium are all found in a glass of milk, for instance. However, in some circumstances, a doctor may prescribe a calcium supplement, which might result in constipation.

Although the GI tract is not completely understood, calcium is not considered to allow proper hydration of the gut, and hence constipation. When taking a calcium supplement, water is very essential. Doctors urge that if you are physically active, consume 64 ounces of water per day or more.

Some calcium supplements are more likely than others to induce gastrointestinal discomfort. According to the National Institutes of Health, calcium carbonate is much less absorbed than calcium citrate.

Calcium can occasionally be helpful if you eat or change the company or form of calcium.


Which Supplements Cause Constipation?

Alcohol is often referred to be a probable cause of constipation. This reason is, excessive alcohol consumption can promote dehydration by increasing the amount of fluids lost through urine. Low hydration is typically connected to an increased risk of constipation because of either the lack of water or loss through pee.

There was, unfortunately, no clear relationship between the use of alcohol and constipation studies. In addition, some people say after a night out of drinking that they get diarrhoea and not constipation.

Effects may vary from person to individual. If the possible dehydrating and constipating effects of alcohol are to be counteracted, attempt to compensate any portion of alcohol with a water glass or other nonalcoholic drink.

Dairy Products & Milk

Which Supplements Cause Constipation?

Dairy, at least for some individuals, seems to be another likely source of constipation. Many people may become constipated by high quantities of dairy products such as milk, cheese, yoghurt and ice cream. It may be because of the dairy alone or a mix of factors. The lactose in milk, though, might make people feel even more gas and bloat if things do not move smoothly.

Infants, kids and youngsters are especially vulnerable to protein sensitivity in cow’s milk. According to a survey of children, aged 1 to 13, the reason for their constipation was revealed to be milk products. Most youngsters (80%) have more regular bowel motions removing cow’s milk and milk products from their diet.

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Similar experience among adults has been reported in many cases. However, no empirical evidence could be discovered, as most research that investigates these impacts concentrate on children rather than the elderly.

It is noteworthy that after drinking milk, people who are sensitive to lactose may suffer diarrhoea instead of constipation.

Processed Food Items

Which Supplements Cause Constipation?

Processed grains are lower in fibre and may become more stubborn than whole grains, and their derivatives, including white bread, white rice and white pasta.

This is due to the removal of the grain’s bran and germ during processing. The bran includes fibre, which adds weight to faeces and helps them go forward.

A greater intake of fibre was associated with a decreased incidence of constipation by several studies. In fact, a recent study has shown that constipation is 1.8 per cent reduced for each extra gram of daily fibre

Thus, constipated patients may progressively reduce and replace their use of processed grains with whole grains. While more fibres are useful for most individuals, certain persons have the reverse impact. Extra fibre, rather than relieving it, may exacerbate constipation. It is unlikely to help you add additional fibres to your diet if you become stubborn and already eat a lot of fibre-rich whole grains. It can potentially worsen the condition in some instances.

If this is your situation, attempt to reduce your daily fibre intake progressively to see whether this gives relief.


 which foods & supplements cause constipation?
which foods & supplements cause constipation?

Another participant of the supplements that cause Constipation is iron. It is important nutrients, according to the National Institutes of Health, which transfer the oxygen from your lungs to the rest of your body. Anaemia, which causes intense lethargy, weak nails, cold sensitivity, and shortness of breath, can result from a deficiency.

You may receive sufficient iron from your diet from foods such as meat, leafy greens, legumes, nuts and seeds, and fortified bread and cereals. In certain instances, however, it is possible to be deficient particularly if individuals have periods or breastfeeding.

Your doctor may suggest an iron supplement for constipation, in case of a deficiency. This is confirmed by a blood test. According to NIH, large iron dosages — 45 mg or more per day — may contribute to GI discomfort. It is present in many supplements in the amount of 65 milligrammes. The amount of iron supplements you take will affect how constipated you are. The stronger the dosage, the more constipation you may feel.

Take iron liquid which is easier than tablets to absorb. It can also enhance absorption by using vitamin C. You may also split your tablet in two and take one in the morning and the other at night.

Fast Foods

 which foods & supplements cause constipation?

The risk of constipation may also rise by eating large or frequent quantities of fried and quick meals. This is because these meals are fat and fibre-low, a combination that can delay digestion just as red meat.

Fast food snacks such as chips, cookies, chocolates and ice cream might substitute additional, fibre-rich snacks in a person’s diet, including fruits and vegetables. This may increase the probability of constipation by decreasing the overall fibre intake each day.

It is noteworthy that many individuals think that the reason for their constipation is chocolate.

Furthermore, fried and quick foods tend to be high in salt, which can reduce the water content of stool, making it dry and difficult to pass through the body. When you consume too much salt your body absorbs water from your intestines so that the additional salt in the bloodstream is compensated for. This is one technique of bringing your body salt back to normal, but it might regrettably contribute to constipation.

Collagen Supplements

Which Supplements Cause Constipation?
which foods & supplements cause constipation?

Collagen is one of the most common names of fitness and wellness. It’s everything added from protein bars, food powders, medications, and even coffee cream.

Your body’s most abundant protein is collagen which is present in your skin, hair, tendons and ligaments. Strong bones, smooth skin and healthy joints require appropriate quantities of it. Naturally, throughout your 30s, the body starts producing less and less collagen, so that it makes sense for additional businesses to promote it.

But, the question is, can collagen supplements cause constipation? Supplements with collagen can contain high calcium and excess calcium that can cause constipation, fatigue, nausea, and more in your body. Hence, Collagen is one of the supplements that cause constipation. Excessive collagen might encourage bloating or constipation at once, so start easily.

Does Zinc, Magnesium 7 Multivitamins Cause Constipation?


Magnesium does not cause constipation rather it helps in preventing and treating it.

Although some research suggests that magnesium supplements can treat constipation, it is the most frequently used mineral supplement for addressing the problem of constipation. It is probably a safe alternative, as long as you are taking safe amount of the dose.

Excessive magnesium supplementation can result in loose stools, diarrhoea, nausea, and cramping. Magnesium acts osmotically, so that water pulls into the gut, one of the reasons for loose bowels or diarrhoea.

Milk of Magnesia is a popular laxative. Magnesium hydroxide is the principal therapeutic component.


Zinc is an essential element in the diet that provides protein structure and aids in the acceleration of chemical processes in your body. You may have negative side-effects such as delayed injury, a weakened immune system, loss of appetite or loss of taste sense if you do not have sufficient zinc inside your body.

However, make sure you take a safe dosage before you begin to get the supplements of zinc. Constipation and other symptoms of abdominal distress can be transient side effects of overdosage of zinc. So, yes! zinc supplements can cause constipation.

Keeping the right balance and avoiding taking too much zinc is crucial. Talk to your doctor about adjusting your dose if you develop constipation or other symptoms like stomach pain, diarrhoea, nausea and vomiting associated with zinc supplementation.


To compensate for nutritional deficiencies in their diets, many people take a daily multivitamin. Take multivitamins if your diet is without nutritious meals. However, for some persons, multivitamins might lead to stomach discomfort. Consider some simple tips for taking supplements healthily, if you have constipation or bloating of your vitamins.

  • Talk to your doctor before you take a multivitamin.
  • Follow the dose instructions precisely.
  • Select an iron-free and less calcium multivitamin than other supplements.

Bottom Line

Constipation is a debilitating illness that affects a large number of people. Vulnerability might vary from individual to person. Some people face constipation issues by a diet deficient in fibre or worse. In this scenario, it may assist to consume more fruit and plants and remaining hydrated.

Food allergies and intolerances to certain supplements can cause or exacerbate constipation for others. The determination of the cause of constipation might be helpful in determining which foods to avoid.

If you experience constipation, you can make easy modifications to your diet to improve easier digestion. Begin by eliminating or lowering your consumption of constipating foods, such as those mentioned above.

If your consumption of constipation food is still problematic, contact your doctor to propose extra lifestyle and nutritional recommendations.

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