
Top 10 Best Supplements For Eczema Treatment

best supplements for Eczema

We have reviewed the scientifically proven best supplements for Eczema in this article.

Eczema is a medical condition when the skin becomes red and itchy and often severe inflammation occurs. It is a common skin condition among children but can occur at any age.

During eczema, the affected skin area becomes dry, red, and scaly. Often inflammation occurs at the affected part of the body. Brown and red patches also appear at the spot leading to scaly, cracked, and swollen skin.

A 2019 survey on eczema patients found that 30 percent reported eczema had a significant impact on them. This statistic shows the percentage of adult eczema patients globally who had been impacted by severity in December as of 2019.

Source: statista.com

A survey of persons in 2019 found that the most problematic eczema symptom was itching. This statistic also shows the percentage of adults with eczema experience who reported the selected symptoms as the most problematic worldwide as of 2019.

source: statista.com

There are many causes of eczema, and several treatments are also discovered to soothe the inflamed skin. So the best way is to seek a doctor’s help to suggest the best-affected therapy for eczema.

10 Best Supplements for Eczema

Here we have compiled the ten best supplements for eczema, which are available online to cure the significant symptoms of this issue. In addition, you can find all of the included supplements on Amazon. Let’s have a look at the compiled best supplements for eczema, with their ingredients and benefits.

1. Loma Lux Pill

Best Supplements For Eczema
best supplements for eczema

Loma Lux Pill is all-natural skin-clearing minerals-based, steroid-free, and dermatologist-developed formula for children & adults. It is, indeed, one of the best supplements for eczema available online. You can easily buy it from online leading seller websites like Amazon.

Meanwhile, let’s look at its ingredients and the significant benefits people get after regularly using this effective pill.

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▧ Kali Bromatum 1X: It is best known to treat itching, scaling, and skin redness.

▧ Natrum Bromatum 2X: Natrum Bromatum has a calming impact on the affected area.

▧ Kali Muriaticum 4X: It treats the dryness of the area with its moisturizing impact. It also reduces the redness and scaling of the skin.

▧ Kali Sulphuricum 4X: It provides eczema-specific treatment to the patient and fully recovers him from the uneasy condition.

▧ Niccolum Sulphuricum 6X: Niccolo Sulphuricum is specifically known to treat itching of the affected area.

Benefits Of Using Loma Lux Pills

  • It explicitly targets eczema and its source in the body.
  • It penetrates deep in the body to treat those harsh eczema factors which regular ointments or oils can’t.
  • You can also take the Loma Lux pill just like your regular vitamin pill or pain killer. It helps relieve the affected area’s scaling, redness, and itching.
  • It also treats inflammation and helps get rid of skin rash.
  • With a regular Loma Lux pill, one doesn’t need anti-histamines or any cream or lotion to constantly apply at the targeted area.
  • Loma Lux pills are steroid-free, vegan + gluten-free, non-irritating, and lactose-free supplements.
  • The primary benefit of this supplement is that it is a one-on-one product. But, it means it doesn’t need multiple other medications or ointments to show its results. Also, it is a multi-symptom relief product, which treats itching, redness, scaling, and inflammation simultaneously.
  • If your eczema is worst at night, take the Loma Lux pill recommended dose at night before sleeping. It will help decrease itching sensation, and the patient can certainly sleep soundly at night.

Directions of use:

The recommended dose for adults & children is 25 lbs. & Up. Therefore, start with this much amount and then gradually increase according to your weight. The dose is recommended according to your weight by the manufacturers. Take the recommended dose once in a day according to your weight:

  • 25 – 50 lbs. – 1/2 Pill
  • 50 – 100 lbs. – 1 pill.
  • 100 – 150 lbs. – 2 Pills.
  • 150 – 200 lbs. – 3 Pills.
  • Over 200 lbs. – 4 Pills.


  • The supplement is available in many different flavors.
  • It is a non-drowsy itch relieving supplement. Moreover, its intake doesn’t make you or your children drowsy after consumption.
  • Loma Lux is also a chewable pill.
  • You can take this supplement at any time, day or night.
  • Above all, manufacturers use clinically approved ingredients to formulate this supplement.


  • If you have any Kidney disorder, then this supplement is not directed for your consumption.
  • Pregnant and breastfeeding ladies should consult their doctors before using it.
  • Don’t exceed the amount of 25 Ibs. among children.
  • If you are allergic to any ingredient of the Loma Lux pill, then stop using it.

2. Baski Supplements Natural Honeybush Extract Pill

Best Supplements For Eczema

Honeybush extract pill is a reliable treatment for uneasy acne and eczema. It is one of the best natural supplements for eczema. This supplement is a source of such vitamins for eczema and psoriasis, which help reduce skin inflammation and redness.

Baski honeybush is a dermatologically recommended supplement for eczema, skin inflammation and redness, hormonal acne, and psoriasis. Let us study the ingredients and benefits of this online available best supplement for eczema in detail.


It contains 100% natural honeybush extract, which exceptionally reduces skin inflammation and works way better than ordinary creams and lotions.

It is the only ingredient of honeybush so it is extracted and preserved safely.

Honeybush Extract is an all-natural formula with many health benefits. It is also scientifically shown that the phenolic compounds in this supplement can reduce inflammation and swelling of the skin. It also helps skin fight chronic inflammatory diseases and keeps it healthy, moisturized, and nourished.

Honeybush is a natural source of many antioxidants, including major phenolic compounds. Moreover, phenolic compounds play a significant role in protecting the immune system from oxidative stress and curing damaging skin cells. These compounds also modulate the immune system, which helps the body’s natural defenses against infections.

Phenolic compounds directly impact the body’s inflammatory response towards different foreign factors. Hence, these compounds make a down-regulating response towards these inflammatory factors.

Honeybush extract relieves the skin from these inflammatory responses. It also treats irritation caused by eczema and severe acne.

Benefits of Using Honeybush Extract:

Supports Acne Problems: Honeybush extract cures acne by decreasing face oil production capacity, reducing inflammation of the affected area, and accelerating healing time.

Anti-inflammatory Properties: Honeybush has got plenty of vitamins that cause eczema treatment and reduce inflammation of the skin. The swelling of the skin decreases, which eventually leads to accelerated healing of acne. In addition, the anti-inflammatory property of Honeybush extract helps reduce redness, itching, and pimple formation.

Anti-oxidative Properties: Honeybush also contains anti-oxidative properties that treat the scar marks of eczema and acne. Hence it heals the damaged skin and also helps it to regain its glow and flexibility.

Direction Of Use:

The manufacturers recommend that taking Honeybush extract at night helps reduce late-night itching and skin inflammation.

However, most psoriasis and eczema show symptoms at night, and it becomes annoying and disturbing for the patient. So take two to four capsules before going to bed and enjoy a sound sleep without any itch.


  • The Honeybush Extract is 100% Caffeine free hence it won’t disturb your sleep at all.
  • Secondly, it is strictly tested in their lab, which includes a Certificate of Analysis.
  • Honeybush extract shows no side effects or allergic results. Hence safe for all individuals.
  • It is a 100% natural and gluten-free product.
  • No artificial flavors or enhancers are added to the supplement.
  • It is readily available online. You can also find it on Amazon.com as well.


  • Honeybush is not a product for children’s use.
  • Pregnant or lactating women should consult their physician before using it.
  • It is not an FDA-approved formula.

3. Psorclear

Best Supplements For Eczema
best supplements for eczema

Psoclear is a 100% natural and effective treatment for Psoriasis and Eczema. This supplement doesn’t contain any harsh components or allergens like yeast, gluten, steroids, wheat, artificial coloring, flavors, or preservatives. It is also free from caffeine; not any dairy product is part of its formula.

Psorclear is specifically formulated to reduce the possibility of any of the reported minor symptoms of eczema. Moreover, it treats the root cause of eczema and reduces acne, dryness, and inflammation. In other words, this makes Psorclear one of the best supplements for eczema.

Let us consider in detail all the specs of its ingredients.


Psorclear formula mainly contains zinc and copper. Both of these minerals are clinically proven to relieve many abnormal skin conditions, specifically eczema, substantially.

Psorclear mainly treats a mineral deficiency of the body through Copper amino acid chelate and Zinc Gluconate. Both the components consequently treat the visual impacts of eczema.

Direction Of Use:

It is recommended to take the Psorclear capsules with food or any drink. It will help those patients that feel difficulty in swallowing the pills. You can also mix the tablet in your regular food or favorite beverage.

Its manufacturers mention no proper amount. However, you can consult any physician to get an appropriate dose prescription according to your age and body weight.


  • No side effect has been reported from its customers.
  • It contains only natural ingredients such as vitamins to take with eczema for proper treatment.
  • It is also free from all types of allergens or steroids.
  • Psorclear not only treats symptoms but also cures the root cause of skin dryness and acne.
  • Above all, it is effective for all types of eczema, vitamin d deficiency, and psoriasis.
  • Also, this medication requires no special diet.
  • To clarify, it is entirely safe for kids.
  • It shows no side effects.


  • It is only available to purchase online.
  • Please consult your doctor before buying it.

4. Biodelight Acne & Eczema Natural Supplement Pills

Best Supplements For Eczema

Biodelight is a noble brand regarding skincare products. It is also assessed in the market for manufacturing one of the best supplements for eczema treatment. The regular use of this supplement makes your skin clear, smooth, and free from rash and acne.

Biodelight eczema treating supplement detoxes internal toxins of the body. It also enhances the body’s immune system and fights against inflammation-causing factors. It gives you healthier, clearer, and smoother-looking skin in just 30 days of regular use.


Biodelight eczema treating pills contain all-natural, safe, and clinically tested ingredients. As a result, its ingredients make this formula one of the best supplements for eczema. Some of the essential elements included in its formula are as follows.

  • Chinese licorice root.
  • Forsythia fruit
  • Fragrant angelica root.
  • Dandelion whole plant.
  • Shrubby Sephora root.
  • Peony root with bark.
  • Gardenia fruit

All the ingredients, as mentioned earlier, are 100% organic and choose from healthy plants. The supplement is manufactured under an FDA-approved facility, where all the ingredients are thoroughly checked and safely mixed without any artificial flavors, colors or preservatives.


Detoxifies Eczema-causing Factors: Biodelight eczema treating pills detoxifies the body’s internal toxins, which are responsible for acne and redness of the skin. It also helps decrease inflammation and speeds up skin recovery.

Enhances Immunity: The supplement enhances the immune system of the body. A robust immune system, therefore, helps fight inflammatory particles at the site of inflammation. In addition to this, it also inactivates histamines to reduce blood flow to the affected area. In this way, it also prevents redness and inflammation on the spot lowers and acne and rash.

Directions Of Use:

The recommended dose is two tablets every three meals a day. You can also take the pills with your regular meal or any drink. Recommended is to take with a warm glass of water after finishing the meal.

You can also approach a nearby physician to guide you properly about the amount to take daily.


  • All the ingredients are 100% natural and safe.
  • There are no reported side effects of this supplement.
  • There are no harsh chemicals components in it.
  • It also serves as a quick method to treat eczema and its symptoms.


  • If any severe symptom appears after its consumption, stop using it and seek medical assistance.
  • Check the ingredients list to make sure if you are not allergic to any of the ingredients of this formula.
  • Children, pregnant and lactating women should ask for medical permission or a proper quantity prescription before using it.

5. Ayurvedic Skin Care

Best Supplements For Eczema
best supplements for eczema

Ayurvedic is a noble brand appraised for formulating anti-aging supplements. Their eczema relief and skincare range are specifically famous among dermatologists.


Ayurvedic skincare contains exceptional ingredients, which make it one of the best supplements for eczema. All the ingredients are 100% natural and scientifically tested to include in Ayurvedic skincare treatment.

Some of the most critical ingredients present in its formula are:

  • Rubia Cardifolia
  • Tinospora Cardifolia
  • Turmeric
  • Hemidesmus Indicus
  • Amla
  • Aloe Vera gel

All the components are clinically proven to treat eczema and its severe symptoms. They help to nourish, strengthen and also cleanse the affected skin, allergic reactions, and eczema.

Direction Of Use:

Researchers recommend taking one capsule one to two times daily. This vegan-based supplementation is, indeed, a natural way to nourish skin and help it heal damaged cells.


  • It contains only herbal ingredients for skincare.
  • All the ingredients are safe and show no side effects.


  • Only available online for purchase.

6. Florajen Eczema Medical Food Probiotic

Best Supplements For Eczema

Florajen is the perfect dietary management for eczema treatment and is also assessed as one of the best supplements for eczema.

Made from specific blends of “good” bacteria, Florajen Eczema builds connections between beneficial microbes in the GI system. It also regulates the inflammation and allergic responses caused on the skin.

The probiotic strains found in Florajen Eczema were shown to reduce eczema severity by 83%. It also helps 90% of eczema sufferers reach clear or almost clear skin after 12 weeks of daily use. You can refrigerate it also for maximum freshness and potency.


Florajen contains safe and healthy flora in its composition. Florajen Eczema is formulated with effective probiotic strains that manufacturers specifically study for the dietary management of eczema. Moreover, their proprietary blend of probiotics targets eczema, the body’s immune response, and the microbiome.

Some of the species are mentioned here:

  • Bifidobacterium Lactis
  • Bifidobacterium Longum
  • Lactobacillus casei
  • Maltodextrin


✔ It supports immune health and helps maintain regularity in the gut.

✔ Florajen is a multicultural blend of probiotic strains that aid in maintaining the healthy balance of flora.

✔ It also supports a balanced digestive system and helps maintain healthy pH.

✔ Florajen is a multicultural blend of probiotic strains that aid in the healthy functioning of the digestive tract. Therefore, it naturally regulates the digestive system and provides increased levels of beneficial bacteria in the gut.

Directions Of Use:

It is recommended to use under medical supervision. For maximum effectiveness, take one (1) packet daily. Mix the entire package content into a cold or room temperature food (such as yogurt or ice cream) or a cool, non-carbonated drink such as juice or milk. Hot food or beverages are not recommended. Ensure that the entire dose is consumed.

Most importantly, if you are taking an antibiotic, take Florajen Eczema at least 1 to 2 hours before or after your antibiotic prescription.


  • It is free from lactose, preservatives, and gluten.
  • It is manufactured in a GMP facility.
  • Florajen supplement is safe for use and you can also store it for up to 6 months.
  • It also reduces the reliance on topical steroids.
  • Above all, Florajen Eczema Medical Food is clinically proven as an effective treatment for eczema.
  • It also reduces itching, redness, and inflammation within days.
  • Florajen Probiotics help restore the good flora and maintain the natural balance the body needs to stay healthy.
  • It is also a safe formula for children.


  • It is intended to be used under the supervision of a healthcare professional.
  • Not for the use of children under six months of age.

7. BHI Skin Eczema Relief

Best Supplements For Eczema

BHI is a natural, safe, and homeopathic relief formula for eczema patients. It treats eczema naturally and effectively in a much shorter period. We will discuss some of its ingredients and benefits in this review.


BHI skincare formula contains such ingredients, which make it the best supplement for eczema on the market. They help achieve the recovery goal faster. Some of the elements are as under:

Berberis Vulgaris: It helps relieve itching and treat pimples and uncomfortable blisters. This component is also effective in dealing with brown pigmentation after eczema.

Graphites: It gives a warming sensation to uncomfortable itching. It treats eczema explicitly on the inside of the elbow and knee.

Hydroflouricum Acidum: It treats the brittleness of nails, ulceration, and skin breakage due to cold.

Rhus Toxicodendron: It helps get rid of the red rash in the affected area.

Directions of Use:

The recommended amount for adults and children above six years; 1 tablet sublingually or dissolved completely in mouth 3 times daily or as directed by a physician.

Infants and children up to 6 years; 1/2 the adult dosage.


  • It helps get clearer skin inside and out. Heals the damaged skin cells and replaces them with new ones.
  • Likewise, it effectively treats eczema symptoms like itching, redness, and scaling.
  • It uses only organic components in its formula.
  • Safe for everyone and doesn’t show any side effects nor interact with any other medication.


  • If you are allergic to any of the ingredients, seek medical assistance for a proper prescription.

8. Exalta Eczema Relief Pill

Best Supplements For Eczema

Exalta eczema relief is an advanced probiotic formula pill. It casts immediate & long-lasting relief on the eczema patient. The company has also got a patented delivery system. It is also a dermatologically recommended supplement for eczema treatment.


The main ingredient of the Exalta eczema relief formula is the healthy bacteria culture. It also uses many different species of bacteria which treats the known causes and symptoms of eczema. Some of the main bacterial species are listed here:

  • Lactobacillus plantarum
  • Bifidobacterium bifidum
  • Lactobacillus reuteri
  • Bifidobacterium lactis
  • Bifidobacterium longum
  • Lactobacillus casei
  • Lactobacillus paracasei
  • Bifidobacterium infantis
  • Lactobacillus rhamnosus


Helps Relief Itching sensation and redness: Exalta eczema relieving formula does more than providing lasting relief. It actively promotes healing and helps your skin smooth itself from within. Exalta’s Immunologist developed formula also powerfully boosts your overall immune system for an incremental improvement.

Probiotics Enhancer: Exalta enhances probiotics’ amount in the body. It is a Dermatologists-recommended triple-action probiotic formula. It powerfully maximizes 30 BILLION CFUs. The results are further magnified using a Patented Micro-Crystalline Coating, enhancing their effects up to 1500%.

A one-on-one Formula: With Exalta, no one needs messy, temporary, and superficial treatments like creams and ointments. In addition, Exalta’s BioActive Mini-Spheres powerfully alters your Microbiome for lasting benefit.

A 2014 meta-analysis, which reviewed over 25 double-blind placebo-controlled studies, showed that the critical elements in Exalta were noticeably effective in promoting healthy, clear, itch-free skin.

9. Ultimate Supplements Apothecary PSX-1

Best Supplements For Eczema

Apothecary PSX-1 is an Advanced Skin Support Formula for Natural Relief from Psoriasis, Eczema, Acne, and Dandruff. It works on root causes of dry skin and helps relieve the itchy sensation. It is also considered one of the best supplements for eczema in the market.


Supports All Types Of Skin Conditions: PSX-1 provides complete and energizing nutritional support for Psoriasis, Eczema, Acne, and other skin conditions. It also treats all these issues with natural ingredients.

Contains Natural Ingredients Only: This potent formula contains premium quality natural ingredients that may assist the body from the inside out. It targets the symptoms of itchy, dry, and ugly scales on the skin.

Powerful Potency Ingredients: The formula contains anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant ingredients. These ingredients do not only nourish and repair skin but also boost the immune system.

Maintain General Well-Being: The formula helps to improve the general well-being and confidence of the eczema patient.

10. SkinSmart Eczema Therapy

Best Supplements For Eczema

SkinSmart eczema therapy is a hypochlorous antimicrobial treatment that safely removes skin bacteria. It helps to heal damaged skin within just weeks of application.

SkinSmart targets bacteria in eczema, present in over 70% of chronic eczema rashes. It is specifically designated to be used on the neck and face. It is entirely safe for eyelids and the mouth.

This powerful formula provides fast relief. As a result, the formula works best as a body spray which works to heal eczema, rashes, and skin infections. Bacteria have been linked to many skin conditions like eczema and chronic wounds. SkinSmart works by removing problem bacteria, allowing the skin to heal finally.


It contains ingredients that target harmful bacteria without causing any effect on the healthy bacteria of the skin. It contains:

  • Hypochlorous Acid
  • Sodium Chloride (salt)
  • Ionized Water

All the ingredients are completely safe and do not cause any harm or irritation to the skin. Meanwhile, hypochlorous acid is a natural germ fighter; hence it removes skin bacteria causing eczema too.


✔ SkinSmart Antimicrobial formula is an entirely new therapy for Eczema treatment. If bacteria are the source of your skin problems, SkinSmart will subsequently deliver results–fast!

✔ 70% of chronic eczema is linked to harmful bacteria in the eczema rash. So SkinSmart safely removes all the bacteria from the skin.

✔ Creams and steroids provide short-term relief but are helpless against bacteria. SkinSmart spray offers long-term comfort.

✔ It removes the itching sensation and lowers the inflammation level.

✔ It is safe for all skin types and all age groups.

Directions Of Use:

Spray the formula multiple times a day on the affected area. Wait for it to get air-dried.

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