13 Best Supplements For Muscle Cramps

Read on comprehensive guide on “best supplements for muscle cramps”
Cramps are a very frequent ailment. A cramp affects almost everyone at some point in their lives (approximately 95% of people, according to one estimate). Adults are more likely than children to have muscle cramps, and this tendency increases with age. Children, on the other hand, may have muscular cramps.
What Are Muscle Cramps?
Cramping of a muscle occurs when the muscles are forced to contract and do not rest. When we move our extremities, the muscles in our arms and legs that can be manipulated freely contract and relax alternatively.
When we stand or sit, the muscles that stabilize our heads, necks, and trunks all contract at the same time. It is referred to as a “spasm” when an entire muscle contracts without your conscious consent.
A cramp develops if the spasm lasts for an extended period of time. When you get a muscle cramp, you may see or feel a stiffening of the affected muscle.
Enlist Types of Muscle Cramps
There are four main types of skeletal muscle cramping.
- True cramps
- Muscle cramps caused by trauma or strenuous exercise
- Muscle cramps as a result of dehydration or rest
- Body fluid shifts Cramps
Tetany and Dystonic cramps are types of Muscle Cramps as well.
Causes of Muscle Cramps
The exact cause of muscle cramps is unclear, but several factors may contribute to them:
- Prolonged periods of physical activity without enough fluids
- Heat exhaustion or heat stroke
- Dehydration
- Certain diseases, such as diabetes and multiple sclerosis (MS)
- Muscle fatigue
- Poor blood flow to the muscles
- Faulty nerve impulses
- Certain medications, such as diuretics and some psychiatric drugs
- Alcohol withdrawal
Best Supplements for Muscle Cramps
Supplementation can release muscle cramps and keep them at bay. Muscle cramps can be healed and prevented by the best supplements for muscle cramps because of their potency to increase muscle endurance and energy levels.
The following is a list of the best supplements for muscle cramps often used to cure or alleviate these cramps.
1. Nutricost Creatine Monohydrate

Creatine is the most effective muscle endurance supplement. It is so effective because it increases the availability of creatine phosphate to muscles. Creatine also helps increase the synthesis of ATP, an energy source for our cells’ activities, than glucose.
The increased availability of creatine phosphate in cells reduces their reliance on glycogen stores, which are exhausted during intense physical activity.
If you are in search of the best supplements for muscle cramps, Nutricost Creatine Monohydrate is the one.
How Does It Work?
Creatine transport protein facilitates the transport of creatine into muscle cells. Creatine Phosphate is then used to resynthesize ATP in muscles, resulting in greater energy levels and an increase in muscular endurance.
More specifically, creatine phosphate is required for the regeneration of Adenosine Di-Phosphate (ADP) to its original form, Adenosine Tri-Phosphate (ATP). ATP is the primary energy source for intense muscular contractions.
- The supplement can enhance lean muscle mass gains and fat loss because of its positive nitrogen balance effect.
- It can improve anaerobic cardiovascular endurance.
- Creatine can prevent the depletion of ATP during high-intensity training, allowing for longer and harder workouts.
- It enhances muscle strength to allow for greater progression in resistance training routines.
- Creatine has been reported to cause weight gain, but this is only because of its ability to retain more water in the body’s tissues.
- It can possibly cause or aggravate kidney dysfunction in some individuals.
Dosage/Ingestion Method
Creatine is best ingested in its powdered form in four doses of 5 grams each throughout the day, every day for the first 5 days to saturate your muscles with it. After this initial “loading” phase, you can maintain creatine levels by ingesting 5 grams of creatine every day.
2. Milliard Sodium Bicarbonate

Sodium Bicarbonate, also known as baking soda, is a supplement that increases the pH level of the blood and muscles without compromising its carbon dioxide or salt stores. This means it has an alkalizing effect on cells, which results in their ability to contract and relax more readily.
According to an estimate, this supplement may provide muscle cramps relief in about 70% to 90% of sufferers.
How Does It Work?
Sodium bicarbonate buffers lactic acid accumulation in muscles, thus increasing the tolerance of muscles to exercise.
Lactic acid is a by-product of glucose metabolism under anaerobic conditions (e.g., intense exercise). The more lactic acid that accumulates in the muscles, the harder they’re working. Lactic acid is also responsible for muscle aches and pains during intense workouts.
Sodium bicarbonate aids in regulating muscle pH levels by increasing carbon dioxide levels, which then buffers lactic acid buildup to prevent it from reaching dangerous levels for muscles.
- It can increase anaerobic capacity and performance during high-intensity workouts (anaerobic is the type of energy production that doesn’t require oxygen).
- It can enhance mental acuity and reduce lethargy or feelings of fatigue.
- Sodium bicarbonate may cause gastrointestinal distress when taken in high doses.
Dosage/Ingestion Method
During intense workouts, ingest one to three servings of baking soda dissolved in water or a sports drink about 15 minutes before starting your workout. Afterward, take another serving if you’re still feeling lethargic and want to counter the lactic acid buildup.
It’s also advisable to take a break from baking soda every 3-4 weeks and avoid taking it for more than three days consecutively. This can be done by replacing your regular baking soda dosage with creatine monohydrate powder.
3. CLINICAL DAILY Cassia Cinnamon

This supplement helps strengthen the muscles, tendons, ligaments, and bones. It also kicks glucose levels up a notch while at the same time bringing down muscle tissue breakdown to make sure there are adequate energy supplies in the cells.
Cinnamon is very safe for use by healthy people because it helps lower insulin levels, which breaks down sugar and provides muscles with the energy they need.
Only 10% of the cinnamon you ingest is converted into the metabolite sodium benzoate.
How Does It Work?
Cinnamon has insulin-like effects that allow muscles to properly use glucose for energy; it also regulates blood sugar levels by stimulating the production of insulin, an important hormone in keeping body tissues healthy and letting them receive enough nutrients from food intake.
Cinnamon contains a plant compound called cingulin PF, which has been approved by the FDA to be used as a food additive.
- Cinnamon can help decrease pain in muscles, tendons, ligaments, bones, and joints by reducing inflammation.
- It can increase glucose management in diabetics or pre-diabetics while at the same time increasing muscle strength and reducing muscle tissue breakdown.
- Cinnamon may cause irritation to the mouth, throat, stomach lining, and intestinal walls.
Dosage/Ingestion Method
Take 1 or more cinnamon capsules 3 times daily on an empty stomach.
4. Bronson Rhodiola Rosea

This supplement is effective in decreasing the number of neurotransmitters used for signaling muscle contraction and their fatiguing effects on muscles. More signaling means more force output from the muscles, meaning greater strength and longer workouts with less fatigue from lactic acid buildup.
Studies say that it can also help decrease cortisol levels, which are responsible for the breakdown of muscle tissue.
How Does It Work?
The active compounds found in Rhodiola Rosea are called rosavin and salidroside, and they work synergistically with one another to enhance endurance and strength during workouts.
They do this by increasing oxygen uptake into cells which then helps delay the buildup of lactic acid during intense workouts.
- It can decrease cortisol, which breaks muscle tissue down. This means better recovery times and stronger muscles.
- It also increases workout intensity by delaying the onset of fatigue from lactic acid buildup in muscles.
- Rhodiola Rosea may cause stomach distress, dry mouth, irritability, and/or headaches when taken in high doses.
Dosage/Ingestion Method
Take 1-2 Rhodiola Rosea capsules or soft gels daily on an empty stomach with water for optimal absorption.
5. Cramp Defense Magnesium

Magnesium is best for treating leg muscle cramps, which occur when a muscle contracts, but the signal isn’t stopped. This causes it to seize up and contract more, creating a cramp. It also helps with sleep because it boosts melatonin levels.
It is one of the best supplements for muscle cramps available in the market.
How Does It Work?
This supplement prevents muscle contractions and reduces the stiffness and soreness of muscles. It does this by preventing calcium from entering cells, which can lead to cramps and fatigue while also reducing the rate of protein breakdown inactive tissues.
- makes muscles more flexible, and reduces muscle soreness.
- It also increases sleep quality due to increased melatonin levels.
- Magnesium may cause loose stools because it increases bowel activity.
Method Take 1 or 2 magnesium citrate capsules 3 times daily with meals for at least 30 days for the effects to be noticeable.
6. Himalaya Organic Licorice

This supplement is effective because it contains glycyrrhizic acid, which helps the body regulate cortisol levels. It allows you to train harder and recover faster from workouts because cortisol breaks down muscle tissue, so lower cortisol means better muscle gains and less muscle soreness.
It also increases nitric oxide production in the body which can help increase strength and muscle gains from lifting weights.
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How Does It Work?
Licorice root inhibits 11-beta-dehydrogenase, which is what converts cortisone to cortisol in the body.
This means that less cortisol will be made by the adrenal glands, allowing testosterone levels to rise without being inhibited by cortisol, therefore increasing muscle gains.
It also contains glycyrrhizin which can increase nitric oxide production in the body.
- Increase testosterone levels without inhibiting them because cortisol is not being produced when taking this supplement. This means greater strength and muscle gains from workout sessions.
- Increases nitric oxide production in the body, which increases blood flow to muscles during workouts which can lead to greater strength gains
- Dizziness, nausea, vomiting diarrhea, high blood pressure, weakness, and irregular heartbeat are possible side effects of taking Licorice root.
Dosage/Ingestion Method
Take 1-2 500mg capsules three times daily on an empty stomach.
7. NOW Supplements, Passion Flower

This supplement is effective for treating muscle cramps because it is a muscle relaxant. It also helps with sleep because it boosts melatonin levels which allows you to go into deeper stages of sleep, which increases recovery times.
How Does It Work?
Passionflower reduces activity in the nervous system by blocking the binding of certain chemicals that relay messages between cells called neurotransmitters.
When levels of these neurotransmitters are lowered, muscles can move more easily without disrupting the body’s electrical signals.
- Passionflower boosts melatonin levels which increases sleep quality so you can recover faster from training sessions.
- Increases the movement of calcium ions within cells, causing muscles to contract with less force, therefore reducing muscle cramps.
- May cause drowsiness, depression, and headaches.
Dosage/Ingestion Method
Take 200-500mg 2-3 times daily as needed for muscle cramps.
8. Bronson Vitamin B Complex with Vitamin C

This supplement is effective for treating leg cramps because it has a high level of the vitamin B complex. Vitamin B complex is effective at reducing muscle fatigue, which can lead to more intense leg cramps.
It also contains ascorbic acid which can increase calcium absorption by the body and reduce its excretion through urine.
How Does It Work?
Vitamin B complex is effective at reducing muscle fatigue, which can be caused by decreased calcium levels in the body.
Calcium regulation is important for preventing cramps because it decreases the force of skeletal muscles contraction and reduces neuromuscular excitability.
Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) reduces calcium excretion through urine.
- Vitamin B complex reduces muscle fatigue during training sessions which helps prevent leg cramps.
- Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) reduces calcium excretion through urine, allowing calcium to be absorbed by the body more efficiently and preventing leg cramps
- High doses of vitamin B can cause diarrhea, stomach cramps, and vomiting.
Dosage/Ingestion Method
Take one B-complex pill + ascorbic acid (vitamin C) pill as needed for leg cramps.
9. Golden Barrel Blackstrap Molasses

This supplement is effective for treating leg cramps because it is high in magnesium. Magnesium deficiency has been found to be a common cause of muscle cramping.
Molasses also contains chromium which absorbs insulin better increasing the absorption rate of calcium ions by the cells, which reduces muscle cramping.
How Does It Work?
Magnesium deficiency has been found to be a common cause of muscle cramping. When the body lacks magnesium it cannot pump calcium ions back into cells as efficiently, causing them to build up within the body.
A survey was conducted which found that people who consume more than the RDA of magnesium each day are 30% less likely to suffer from muscle cramps or spasms.
- Magnesium has been found to be effective for preventing muscle spasms which can cause leg cramps.
- Calcium ions absorbed by the body are essential for sleep quality and quantity, so getting more sleep means you recover faster from training sessions making it less likely to experience muscle cramping.
- May have a laxative effect if taken at too high of a dosage.
Dosage/Ingestion Method
Start with 1-2 tsp of blackstrap molasses + 1-2 squares of dark chocolate.
10. NOW Supplements, MSM (Methylsulfonylmethane)

This supplement is effective for treating leg cramps because it can reduce muscle soreness. The reduced pain and inflammation allow the body to recover faster from training sessions, making it less likely to experience muscle fatigue.
A study tells that MSM reduces inflammation by 50% after 10 days of treatment.
How Does It Work?
MSM reduces pain and swelling by stabilizing lysosomes, which are vesicles that carry enzymes in cells. This slows the immune system signaling molecules from reaching injured areas resulting in less inflammation.
When substances in the body are exposed to high levels of oxygen (i.e during intense training sessions) they can be broken down and create harmful compounds which affect the body’s natural regulation of calcium levels.
- Reduced inflammation brings more blood flow to the muscles allowing them to repair faster and reduce muscle cramps.
- MSM is a natural anti-inflammatory that reduces muscle soreness which can decrease spasms in leg muscles which can cause cramps.
- People who have allergies to sulfa drugs should not take MSM because it contains a sulfa compound.
Dosage/Ingestion Method
Take 1 tsp of methylsulfonylmethane (MSM) powder in water daily.
11. Swanson Asparagus Root Extract

This supplement is effective for treating leg cramps because it can increase muscle strength and endurance.
Increasing the amount of glucose and oxygen available during workouts can increase endurance and lessen cramping.
It also serves as one of the best supplements for muscle cramps.
How Does It Work?
Asparagus root extract helps to prevent work-induced glycogen depletion, which is a cause of muscle fatigue resulting in leg cramps.
Asparagus root extract also increases oxygen transport from blood cells to the muscles which prevents lactic acid buildup that can cause cramping.
- Increases strength and endurance which reduces the overall duration of muscle fatigue resulting in less chance for leg cramps to occur.
- Asparagus root extract increases oxygen transport from blood cells to the muscles preventing lactic acid buildup that causes cramping.
- Asparagus root extract may cause nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea if taken at too high of a dosage.
Dosage/Ingestion Method
Take 300-500mg of asparagus root extract daily.
12. Horbäach Ginger Root

This supplement is effective for treating leg cramps because it can reduce inflammation.
How Does It Work?
The anti-inflammatory properties of ginger root extract, also known as gingerols, reduces pain and inflammation which allows muscles to recover faster from training sessions making them less likely to experience muscle fatigue/cramping.
- Ginger root extract reduces inflammation around the muscles so they can recover faster from training sessions decreasing the duration of muscle cramping.
- May cause gastrointestinal issues in some people if taken at too high of a dosage.
Dosage/Ingestion Method
Take 500-1500mg of ginger root extract daily.
13. Secrets of the Tribe Feverfew Extract

This supplement is effective for treating leg cramps because it can reduce inflammation and increase blood flow to muscles.
How Does It Work?
Because feverfew reduces inflammation and increases blood flow to the muscles, the muscles recover faster from training sessions which makes them less likely to experience muscle cramps.
- Feverfew reduces inflammation around the muscles so they can recover faster from training sessions reducing the duration of muscle cramps.
- Feverfew increases blood flow to the muscles allowing for more oxygen, glucose, and nutrients to reach them making them stronger.
- May cause gastrointestinal issues in some people if taken at too high of a dosage.
Dosage/Ingestion Method
Take drops of feverfew extract daily according to the instructions described on the product.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQS)
Below are some of the queries that are frequently asked about the best supplements for muscle cramps.
Q. Would I get the same cramps if I made a sudden movement while working out?
A. No, this is not because of muscle fatigue, it is because these sudden movements cause your muscles to spasm which can make you feel pain or cramping in your legs.
Q. Can any food help alleviate cramps?
A. Yes, bananas contain high amounts of magnesium which can assist with any muscle cramping that you experience.
Q. Do these best supplements for muscle cramps have any side effects?
A. No, there are no known side effects from these best supplements for muscle cramps because they do not contain any harmful chemicals.
Q. Is it possible to prevent leg cramps?
A. Yes, there are many different supplements that can help alleviate muscle fatigue/cramping after strenuous physical activity.
Q. What is the difference between a cramp and a spasm?
A. A cramp is when your muscles tense up and contract for a short period of time while a spasm is when they tense up and stay contracted for a long period of time.
Muscle cramping is the body’s way of letting you know that it needs to rest. There are many different best supplements for muscle cramps available that can help alleviate muscle fatigue after strenuous physical activity.
Ginger root extract, feverfew extract, and manganese are all effective for treating leg cramps because they can reduce inflammation and increase blood flow to muscles.
Each supplement works in a slightly different way to help with muscle cramping but they can all be effective when taken over an extended period of time.